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发布日期:2022-06-17 作者: 来源:bevitor伟德官网 点击:

报告题目:光学微腔内的光场操控(Light Field Manipulation in Optical Microcavities)

报 告 人:刘帅





报告人简介:刘帅,男,美国亚利桑那大学量子网络中心,研究员(Research Scientist)。2014年和2018年于哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)分别获得硕士与博士学位,师从光学微腔领域著名学者、国家杰出青年获得者-宋清海(教授)。2019-2020年在美国亚利桑那大学材料学院从事博士后研究,2021至今任美国亚利桑那大学量子网络中心(CQN)研究员。主要研究方向为光学微腔内的光场调控及应用,如非厄米奇异点附近的量子隧穿、光学手性等新奇光学现象,光学传感,方向性激射微腔激光等。围绕以上方向,在Optica、light: Science & Applications、Laser & Photonics Reviews、Advanced Materials、ACS Nano等期刊发表学术论文30余篇,Google学术引用900余次,h因子17。


(Optical microcavity is an important device in modern optics, as it can localize the optical signal in a small space of micron scale for a long time, enhancing the interaction between light and matter, it play an important role in low-threshold laser, optical sensing, non- Linear optics, integrated optics and many other aspects. The properties of an optical microcavity are determined by the distribution of the light field excited in the cavity, so the effective manipulation of the light field in the cavity is an important research in this field. This report will introduce the "waveguide-microcavity" direct connection system as a new optical field manipulation method in optical microcavities, focusing on the coupling mechanism of a new optical microcavity mode and its research in low-cost optical sensing. Research on chaos-assisted tunneling process in deformable optical microcavity and its regulation of mode chirality, fast imaging mechanism of mode distribution in optical microcavity, etc.)