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发布日期:2022-05-19 作者: 来源:bevitor伟德官网 点击:











2018.01-2020.12,基于数据驱动的 MS-PMS 可靠性分析与预测研究,教育部科学研究规划基金项目,17YJA630135,结题,主持。




[1] Yongjin Zhang*, Ming Zhao. An integrated approach to estimate storage reliability with masked data from series system. Eksploatacja i Niezawodność-Maintenance and Reliability, 2023, 25(4): 172922.

[2] Jiahui Zhan, Yongjin Zhang*, Yanjun Zhang, Tiejun Chun. Coordination reliability evaluation on raw material input and molten iron output for intelligent iron-making system, Int. J. Reliability and Safety, 2022, 16(3/4): 125-140.EI

[3] 李永勇, 张永进*, 余珊珊. 基于FTA方法的COVID-19疫情应急防控决策研究, 运筹与管理, 2022, 31(11): 113-120.CSSCI

[4] Zhang Y J*, Zhao M, Zhang Y J, Pan R L, Cai J. Dynamic and steady-state performance analysis for multi-state repairable reconfigurable manufacturing systems with buffers. European Journal of Operational Research, 2020, 283: 491-510.ABS四星,SCI

[5] 张永进,孙有朝*,张燕军,孙超勇. 具有不可比状态信息的 MS-PMS 可靠性分析. 系统工程理论与实践, 2019, 39(5): 1326-1339.EI

[6] Zhao M, Zhang Y J*, Yang J F. Masked data analysis for storage reliability model with initial failures. Proceedings of the 28th International European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2018, Trondheim, Norway, CRC Press/Balkema, June 17, 2018 - June 21, 2018, P: 2565-2572.EI

[7] Zhang Y J, Sun Y C, Li L B, Zhao M*. Copula-based reliability analysis for a parallel system with a cold standby, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 2018, 47(3): 562-582.SCI

[8] Zhang Y J*, Zhao M, Zhang S T, Wang J M, Zhang Y J. An integrated approach to estimate storage reliability with initial failures based on E-Bayesian estimates, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2017, 159: 24-36.FMS ASCI

[9] Zhang Y J*, Sun Y C, Zhao M. A combinatorial estimation approach for storage reliability with initial failures based on periodic testing data. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 2017, 46(4): 3319-3340.SCI

[10] 张永进,孙有朝*,张燕军. 基于聚类状态主控边界点的多态单调关联系统可靠性分析. 航空学报201738(8): 220868-1—12.EI

[11] Zhang Y J, Zhang Y J*. Reliability analysis of a parallel dependent system with a single cold standby unit, International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 2016, 23(2): 166-180.EI

[12] 张永进, 孙有朝*. 基于虚拟失效序列样本的系统实时可靠性研究, 系统工程理论与实践, 2015, 35(5): 1339-1345.EI

[13] 张永进,孙有朝*,刘小弟. 基于线性松弛规划的系统可靠性分配决策分析,机械工程学报2015, 51(18): 204-212.EI

[14] 张永进,孙有朝*,陆中. 基于Copula函数的单冷贮备串联结构可靠性分析,航空学报2014, 35(8): 2207-2216.EI

[15] Zhang Yong-JinSong Wei-Cai. Study of the reliability about multi-state and multi-subsystem below Stress-strength interference. Acta Physic Sinica, 2011, 60(2): 021201-1~021201-7. SCI

[16] Zhang Yong-JinWang Zhong-Zhi. Cumulative damage model and parameter estimate about a kind of time-sharing redundant system. Acta Physic Sinica, 2009, 58(9): 178-183.SCI

[17] Su C, Zhang Y J, Cao B X. Forecast model for real time reliability of storage system based on periodic inspection and maintenance data. Maintenance and Reliability, 2012, 14 (4): 342–348.SCI

[18] 孙有朝,张永进,李龙彪. 可靠性原理与方法,北京:科学出版社,2016.05,副主编 ISBN978703 0484215.