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发布日期:2022-05-19 作者: 来源:bevitor伟德官网 点击:

王斌,博士,讲师。主要从事激光与物质相互作用方面的研究,研究领域涉及激光损伤、激光加工。在国内外期刊上以第一作者或通讯作者身份发表学术论文十余篇,参与多次相关学术会议交流并作口头报告,曾赴法国菲涅尔研究所(Institut Fresnel)进行合作研究。












1.      Chen Hongmei, Zhang Zhichao, Liu Hailian, Zhang Zhifeng, Lin Changming, and Wang Bin*Hybrid magnetic and deformability based isolation of circulating tumor cells using microfluidics, AIP Advances2019,9(2): 025023.

2.      Chen Hongmei, Zhang Zhifeng, and Wang Bin*Size- and deformability-based isolation of circulating tumor cells with microfluidic chips and their applications in clinical studiesAIP Advances2018,8(12): 120701.

3.      Chen Hongmei*, Liu Wenting, Wang Bin*, and Zhang Zhifeng*In Situ Analysis of Interactions between Fibroblast and Tumor Cells for Drug Assays with Microfluidic Non-Contact Co-Culture, Micromachines, 2018, 9, 665.

4.      王斌;邓超;江修娥;潘云香;莫绪涛毫秒激光辐照光学元件的多杂质损伤模型[J]; 激光与红外; 201848(8)

5.      Wang BinGallais Laurent(*)A theoretical investigation of the laser damage threshold of metal multi-dielectric mirrors for high power ultrashort applicationsOptics Express20132112):14698-14711.

6.      Wang Bin(*)Wang XiQin YuanNi XiaowuShenZhonghuaLu Jian(*)Temperature field analysis of optical coatings induced by millisecond and nanosecond lasersOpticaApplicata2012424):783-793. 

7.      Wang BinDai GangZhang HongchaoNi XiaowuShenZhonghuaLu Jian(*)Damage performance of TiO2/SiO2 thin film components induced by a long-pulsed laserApplied Surface Science201125723):9977-9981.

8.      Wang Bin(*)Zhang HongchaoQin YuanWang XiNi XiaowuShenZhonghuaLu Jian(*)Temperature field analysis of single layer TiO2 film components induced by long-pulse and short-pulse lasersApplied Optics20115020):3435-3441.

9.      Wang BinQin YuanNi XiaowuShenZhonghuaLu Jian(*)Effect of defects on long-pulse laser-induced damage of two kinds of optical thin filmsApplied Optics20104929):5537-5544.

10.  Wang Bin, Zhu Dehua, Lu Jian, Ni Xiaowu, Shen Zhonghua. Study on millisecond and nanosecond laser-induced damage of T iO2/SiO2 anti-reflectors 2011 International Conference on Electronics and Optoelectronics, ICEOE 2011, D alian, 2011.7.29-2011.7.31